Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reading to our children...

Hello Ladies... I'm sorry I missed the last play date, but I heard it was lots of fun! Hope you all enjoyed it.
Next week, we are having a guest speaker: Louise Turner. She is going to talk with us about how to read to our children and what to read... From what I've been told, she has a gift of really captivating kids attention while reading. We are hoping she can share some of that with us. After she talks with the mommies, we are going to bring the preschoolers in for a little story time. Megan says this is when Louise really shines.

There are so many benefits to reading to our kids. In my house, it's a great snuggling and calming time. If we are having a meltdown, BOOKS are our friend. So come here Louise share with us how we can be better readers to our kids! See you on Tuesday!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Stroller Exercises

What a great meeting last Tuesday... I enjoyed seeing everyone and meeting the new moms that came. That little Keurig coffee machine... Wow, that thing is nifty. I might have to invest in one of those!

On Tuesday we are meeting at the Hillcrest Park. Some people need directions... Here is the easiest way to get there:
If you come from Phoenix turn onto Old Greenwood Road (towards Rogers Avenue), then turn left onto Country club (it's at a stoplight), Keep going until you get to Vista and turn right. Vista leads into the circle Drive and the park is right there. If you come from Rogers Avenue turn onto Old Greenwood (towards Phoenix), turn right on Country club, and then right on Vista.

There are lots of Streets that lead into the circle, so some of you know other ways to get there. This is just the easiest way if you don't know where you are going... or if you are like and me and are directionally challenged!

I think Jennifer Jenkins is going to lead us in the stroller exercises. I've done a few of them before even though I don't have a child that will sit in a stroller. Hope to see you there!

Friday, September 10, 2010

First MOPS Meeting: September 14 @ 9:30

Hello ladies! It's time to get the year started... I am so excited about the year to come. We have so many fun things planned. We will have lots of fun door prizes, free childcare, and fun fellowship with other mommies!

Our first meeting will be a kick off to a great year... we will be sharing our MOPS stories, playing games and receiving a few gifts. We are meeting in a different room this year if you are a returning mom from last year. It's on the first floor.. no more stairs! There will be signs when you arrive. Come and find out all the fun events and speakers we have planned for this year. See you there... Tuesday, September 14 9:30-11:30.