Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Love, Sex, and Marriage: Michelle Sanders

Our next meeting is Feb. 23 and we will have a guest speaker. Michelle Sanders will be speaking to us about Love, Sex, and Marriage. What a fun topic this will be. I'm looking forward to hearing Michelle speak. Hope all of you can come.

Next month, we will be meeting on March 9th. We are doing a fun picture frame craft that I had planned for us to do in Jan... but I got the flu. We are only meeting once because the 4th Tuesday is during spring break. I'm really looking forward to some spring like weather that's for sure.

Have a great week you guys and hope to see you on Tuesday! God Bless!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Day craft

First of all, let me thank my SIL Shelley, who lives in Clarksville as most of you know. She put together the cute little tags. I am so thankful to have her as my SIL and in fact I consider her more like a "real" sister. Thanks Shelley, I am so thankful and blessed to have you!

Ok Ladies, the pictures are not great... I'll post more when my SIL sends me her pics, I am hoping they are better than mine.
The pieces in the little baggy are for your tag, and the top of the jar. The black circle is for the top of the jar and the red tag is the base for your "ooh lah lah." The ribbon is to attach the tag with around the jar. Feel free to use any of the extra pieces in your baggy to decorate your tag or the top of the jar. The "ooh lah lah" is on a sticker maker paper. Just press down over the letters and peel the top layer off, the top layer will be sticky so don't set it on anything. The inside is up to you... make it special for who you are giving it to. I included some small stuffers. Hope you guys like it. Feel free to ask questions. I had fun today! Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Well, ladies my thoughts on a playdate this week to replace our meeting are as follows:
Wednesday: the mall from 10-12, or afternoon @ Eastside 12-2
Thursday: mall 10-12 or afternoon @ Eastside 12-2

I am willing to do one of each on both days, so everyone can come and pick up their Valentine's day craft/gifts. Just let me know your thoughts either by commenting or facebook.

And I'm going to ask if we can use the church play room, so instead of the mall we could go there. I'll let you know about the church play area as soon as I know! If we can use that room, we will try and split the time between moms watching kids and go to another room and do the craft. Like the first 30 min, half do the craft and the next 30 min, the other half does the craft. I will post tonight for sure plans on this blog and facebook, so be on the look-out!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Snow won't stop the crafts...

Hey ladies, if the snow keeps us from MOPs tomorrow, we will still be doing the Valentine's day craft later in the week. Stay tuned for more info.... I hope we can just have MOPs tomorrow but if not, the stuff for the craft is just to cute to waist, so maybe Wed or Thurs or both days, I'll set up a time where everyone can come pick up the stuff to do the Valentine's craft. I'll post the "for sure" plans tomorrow. Hope to see everyone tomorrow!

Enjoy the snow!